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5 Steps to Creating a Powerful Mastermind

business tips Mar 16, 2020


So we’re always hearing stories of rags to riches, right? All types of people that have come from next to nothing and to making something great for themselves but, for the most part we don’t hear how they got from where they were, to where they are now?

First, it started with a desire and after that a plan which is what I want to talk to you about!

Most of these people, when they set out to achieve their worthy goal (you can read 3 Steps to Setting a Worthy Goal here) generally didn’t know how to do it. And the brilliant part about that is, they didn’t need to know! And neither do you!

In his historic book, Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill states "MasterMind may be defined as: "coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose. No individual may have great power without availing him or herself to the MasterMind"

I love that because no two minds are alike, so when we...

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One trick to get your desired feelings

personal growth Mar 16, 2020

Hey friend!

I wanted to make sure you’re aware of something if you’re not already. I discovered this concept a few years back and it literally changed my life. And that is, we get to decide the results in our life! And what triggered me to share this with you is because the other day I overheard someone say...

“I can’t help it…. it’s just the way I think!”

 It really caught my attention. I said it to myself slowly a second and third time really absorbing what this person had said. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard others say it before too, at least it sounded familiar, but for some it really stuck out to me.

Anyways, I thought to myself “it’s just…..the way…...I think?!  Say What?

It’s as though they were convinced they didn’t have a choice in what they were thinking about or that they’re incapable of even changing their mind.

 Maybe it's the way I perceived the conversation...

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3 Steps to Setting a Worthy Goal

Hey friend!

I have a question for you!

Do you have a goal?

If so, is it written down?

If not, I highly suggest you figure it out.

I say this, not to put any pressure on you but in an attempt to help you understand that without a goal you’re never going to get what you want.

I do what I do because I know what it feels like to achieve a worthy goal, (I’ll get into what I mean by a worthy goal in a second) and everyone should know what that feeling is, to achieve big goals, it incredibly rewarding!

For years and years I was SO busy working hard to achieve all of my goals! And my friend, let me tell you I had a tonne of them! I mean I still do but it just looks a bit different now. But for real, I had goals coming out my wazoo! I I was involved in 10 different things, commuting all over the place bouncing from client to client, meeting to meeting and building my network marketing business into the nooks and crannies of my life. All on top of healing my body after a bad...

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