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If you are a conscious entrepreneur ready to increase your impact, profits, performance and quality of life, join us for the FREE workshop where we will teach you how to:
> Master the 5 stages of manifesting or as I like to call it the keys to goal achievement & apply them in business and life
> Create clarity on your purpose, plan and next steps to create quantum leaps
> Understand how to give up the struggle and chaos and embrace the bliss
>Do less and receive more by working with the physical and energy
>Learn how to apply the principles of success in business to increase your income & impact
During this free workshop, we will cover:
Early Bird Bonus training:
Jan. 17th, 2025
3 Actions to Level Up Your Business
Learn to master your pitch and messaging to attract your ideal client with ease and have more networking and sales conversations! Learn to create and own your signature event and talk to own your brand awareness and sales funnels! Learn how to own your dream calendar and build your dream business around your dream life!
Session 1: IDEA
Clarity for Quantum Leaps in Business
Jan. 20th, 2025
Have you ever stopped to create your dream life, how you want your life and business to look so you stop building your life around your business? What if anything was possible? Most people do not dream and if they do, they do not dream big enough or create plans to make it happen. It is time to build a business that gives you the life you desire and deserve! Have ideas that will have you set goals that will change the quality of your life and get clear on it so you can manifest quantum leaps. You can do in 90 days what you thought would take you a year! Let us show you how!
Session 2: THOUGHT
Get into the state of the goal achieved
Jan. 21st, 2025
In order to create new results, you need to first understand how the mind works and what you are currently saying to yourself and thinking that is getting you your current results. Let’s use autosuggestion to attract premium clients and improve our service! Let's learn how to create a future memory and begin to think thoughts of the goal achieved! No more reacting and living by default! Every thought is a choice!
Session 3: PLAN & Action for Quantum Leaps
Jan. 22nd, 2025
Are you ready to step into the new and best version of you? The CEO who runs a successful company that provides them with the lifestyle they desire. Let’s use these proven steps to create by design and manifest our deepest desires! You must have a plan and a direction to be working in! Learn how to reverse engineer your goal, make a quantum leap plan and get into inspired action today instead of someday!!
Bonus Session: ACTION: Master Mind Mixer
Jan. 23rd, 2025
It is time to learn how to follow your intuition, take inspired action and stay in High Vibes Regardless of the current circumstances and results. The energy you are in attracts more of it. So how do you get into a creative energy where you think about something and it shows up in your life quickly, easily & effortlessly? There is always something that could distract us and put us off in external circumstances, so let’s talk about how we keep our eyes on the prize, take action and manifest regardless by doing things a certain way! Work with the universal laws by working with a mastermind and watch your life change before your eyes!
Build Belief in your own power
Monday, Jan. 27th, 2025
Do you believe in yourself and your goals? If not, why not? Let’s build the belief that has you owning your goals so you can truly begin to believe in your own innate power! Let's use the art of sales to marry your goals and why and divorce your excuses, reasons and alibis! We will help you learn the art of sales and own your WHY that will have you showing up regardless of external circumstances!
PLUS A BONUS Recap with Q &A with Heather Jan. 28th, 2025!
What are people saying about Business Bliss?
Meet your guide…
Hey, I’m Heather, and it’s so great to meet you!
My passion for holistic transformation comes from my own transformation and my love of helping people get where they want to be in life.
As a teenager, I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, so when I left university, that’s exactly what I did. Roll forward a few years and, working as a registered kinesiologist, personal trainer and nutritionist, I was running out of ideas. I found myself working 18-hour days, almost every day. I was doing all the things, running multiple businesses and contracts. I felt like I lived in my car! I literally had no more time to trade for money.
I knew I was meant for more.
Yet, no matter what I did, whenever I started to make progress, something would happen and I’d end up right back where I was — bouncing off my own glass ceiling.
I’ve been studying human potential and performance for over 18 years, but it wasn’t until 2017 that something finally clicked. I discovered holistic transformation, learned how to be the master of my own mind, and everything changed!
Want to know what the catalyst was for that change? That’s simple.
It’s said that only 1 person in 20 people will embrace their true potential in their lives. Often, that means our friends and family don’t think or feel the same way that we do.
That was the case for me.
When I finally discovered a community of conscious people who allowed themselves to dream big, things began to shift. The folks I met were working on their own development, putting plans into place and making things happen. It was more than inspiring. I finally gave myself permission to put the wheels of change in motion and keep them turning.
I began to hit and surpass each income goal I set for myself. I had more free time than ever and felt much healthier and happier.
And that is what I’m here to help you achieve, my friend.
It was a huge game changer for me, and it will be for you too.
Right now your unconscious mind may be doing everything it can to ‘keep you safe’ — but remember the person who wills the mind wins.
After studying Human potential and performance from a holistic perspective for almost two decades and helping people create goals and make them a reality as a coach for almost a decade and a half I know there is a Framework to goal achievement and manifesting. It is a little magic and miracles and also a plan and action plus so much more!
I’d love for you to join me on this journey and I am so excited to see you THRIVE!
Much love,
Heather Lee Chapman💗

Ready to start working smarter, not harder and manifest the clients and results you want in your business?