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What if there was a way to releaseĀ negative emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding you back to create a breakthrough ā€” in less than 3 hours??


Imagine kicking impostor syndrome into the long grass,
sending those nagging doubts packing,
being free to chase your dreams!
I'm Ready!

Transformation doesn't happen by accident ....Ā 


Hey, high-performer! {yes, thatā€™s you šŸ¤©}


I see you there with your big hopes and dreamsā€¦ and you are so readyā€¦


Only youā€™re almost too scared to fantasize about hitting your super sales target, bagging that big promotion, picking up the keys to your perfect property or jetting off on a once-in-a-lifetime vacationā€¦


Because you know what happens next ā€”


That little voice starts chattering inside your head:

Who are you to want more?

You donā€™t have time for this!

You donā€™t know what youā€™re doing!

Itā€™s too hard!

What are you even thinking?

You should be satisfied with what you haveā€¦

You crash back down to earth with a bump!

Negative emotions bubble to the surface like lava in a volcano ready to eruptā€¦Ā Ā anger, doubt, shame, guiltā€¦ making you feel small and helpless.


Seems like each time you get close to a breakthrough, something happens to sabotage it.


Try as hard as you might, your dreams seem to be moving further away, not closer.


You wish you were calmer, more focused, more confidentā€¦ lessā€¦ SCARED!Ā But beating yourself up about it is getting you nowhere.


  • TalkedĀ about how you feel for hours {and deep down you still feel the same}Ā 


  • TriedĀ all the programs {and canā€™t understand why theyā€™re not working}


  • WrittenĀ out your goals and affirmations heaps of times {and know you should be convinced by now, but youā€™re just not}



something has you blocked, and you donā€™t know what it is!


If you could just get rid of that ball of stress in your chest.Ā 


If only that tension that youā€™re holding EV-RY-WHERE would just get lostā€¦Ā 


youā€™d be able to prioritizeĀ your dreams without falling off the trackā€¦Ā 


youā€™d set those boundaries that have been eluding youā€¦Ā 


and build and nurture the relationships you know you deserve.Ā 

Finding the Sourceā€¦

Iā€™ve been studying human behaviour and potential for quite a long time now. And one thing I realized early on, is thatĀ nothing changesā€¦Ā 


unless you get to the root of the problem!


Imagine for a secondā€¦


youā€™re the school janitor. Your last job of the day, every day, is to mop the locker room to get it smelling fresh:


  • On Monday, you mop the floor but thereā€™s still a bad smell, you donā€™t know why
  • Same on Tuesday, and Wednesday
  • By Thursday youā€™ve had enough!
  • You go to investigate and find that the drain is blockedā€¦


You roll up your sleeves and get to work. You unblock the drain and flush it through. Now the locker room smells sweeter than a summer meadow ā€” at least until this afternoonā€™s soccer game ends!


Of course, you didnā€™t have to do it. You couldā€™ve kept mopping, just doing your job, while the smell kept getting worse. But,Ā you knew it was time to take action.


Itā€™s the same with personal development. You are always going to be resistant to change if your drain is backed up with negativity and limiting beliefs.


To get to where you dream of being in your life or your business,Ā first, you have to get to the root cause of whatā€™s stopping you.


And hereā€™s the thingā€¦


Youā€™re not always going to know where that is.Ā 


But I know a fast and effective way to find it!

Hi, Iā€™m Heather, personal and business development junkie and Audible addict. I love hot yoga and cold plunges, and I buy supplements for fun! {I know, right! Iā€™m working on it šŸ˜…}


I donā€™t want to brag here, but in terms of personal and professional development,Ā  Iā€™ve read pretty much all the books and tried all the things. My story is one of discovery. Thereā€™s been a lot of learning and heaps of trial and error along the way. I find things. I try them out. When I come across something that works, that helps you get what you want, I hang on to it, I master it and then offer it to youā€¦Ā 


So that you can improve your life and your business in quantum leaps!


Take, for example, Time Line Therapyā„¢. I felt its power from my very first session ā€” in fact, the transformation was astounding {more about that later}. And, in my role as aĀ Time Line Therapyā„¢ practitioner, the results I help my clients achieve prove that concept time after time.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m so excited to introduce you toā€¦Ā 

The Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough

The one-to-one intensive for the conscious high-performers ready to shed the weight of whatā€™s no longer serving them ā€” and fly!

The Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough is designed to help you stop negative feelings and emotions dead in their tracks so that you can:


  • Improve your self-worth and your confidence
  • Enjoy a calmer, more focused mind
  • Set clear boundaries and prioritise whatā€™s important
  • Build healthier relationships
  • Chase your dreams and make them happen!


Did you know that an amazingĀ 98% of all our thoughts, feelings and actions are governed by our unconscious mind?

And thatā€™s not allā€¦

Your unconscious mind alsoĀ controls your habitsĀ andĀ your beliefs!

By the wayā€¦ a belief is just a thought that your unconscious mind has kept around for a long time.Ā 

If you never challenge it, then that belief will stay right where it is - forever!

When youā€™re not actively deciding what you want, your unconscious mind is happy to run your life {and your mind} on autopilot.Ā 


The primary job of your unconscious mind is to keep you safeā€¦

and the reactions triggered can also keep you small!

This is what I meanā€¦

In your life, you may have experienced feelings of fear, anger, hurt, resentment, guilt, or even shame. Some of those feelings and the reactions you had, were unwarranted. Your unconscious mind didnā€™t know that, and it stored those reactions as default.

If ā€˜xā€™ happens, then I react with ā€˜yā€™Ā 

Now donā€™t get me wrong, not all of these feelings are unwarranted. I mean, if you see a bear running towards you, your unconscious mind telling you to get out of there is the ideal response!

But say, youā€™ve been thinking about taking the next big leap in your business or going for that promotion youā€™ve been hoping forā€¦

then your unconscious mind, triggering the fear you felt the day you walked into kindergarten for the first time, is less than helpful!

Oftentimes you donā€™t know whatā€™s stopping you,

Or why you feel the way you do.Ā 

Yet thereā€™s no denying ā€” that feeling has you blocked!

The Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough uses scientific Time Line Therapyā„¢ techniques to clear negative emotions and limiting beliefs. And itā€™s designed to remove that blockage ā€” fast!

So that you can gain the freedom to your life on your terms.

In thisĀ 2 hour, one-to-one session, Iā€™ll guide you through a discovery of your unconscious mind. Youā€™ll learn how to find those unwarranted negative emotions and send them packing!

Weā€™ll take a look at your belief system too. By that, I mean the way you ā€˜unconsciouslyā€™ think about things.Ā 

Letā€™s face it, if your unconscious mind is telling you that:

youā€™ll never be able to [Ā  Ā  ]*

or you're not [ Ā  ]* enough

or youā€™re too [ Ā  ]*

or itā€™s not [Ā  Ā  ]*

*fill in the blanks

Then you believe it!Ā 

And that means your software is ready for an update, my friend.

In the Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough session, weā€™ll addressĀ your most pressing limiting belief and unanchor the unwanted negative emotions robbing us of the full joy of life!Ā 

Weā€™ll identify those areas that are holding you back and Iā€™ll guide you through defining some positive, rational responses to update your programming!

And thatā€™s not allā€¦

During your Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough session, weā€™ll be shaking things up that might never have been challenged before.

Think of it like moving the furniture in grandmaā€™s house. Moving that old, tired sofa out the door will show off dents and marks on the rug you never knew were there.

In the same way, clearing the immediate clutter from your unconscious mind often creates space for other things to come up.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ll check in with you by text the day after your session. Iā€™ll ask how you're doing and offer any additional support or advice you might need.


Around two weeks later, weā€™ll see each other again for a 45-minute follow-up support session.Ā 

Weā€™ll chat about the differences youā€™ve noticed and the progress youā€™ve made. Iā€™ll answer any questions you have and help you to reframe and clear anything else thatā€™s come up for you. And youā€™ll get all the support you need {and more} to kickstart your personal development journey.

Reserve today!

Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough

Your special event package includes:


  • One 60-minute onboarding and vision casting call
  • One 2-hour Rapid Breakthrough Time Line Therapy sessionĀ 
  • One 45-minute support and next steps call


PlusĀ 6 Months of access toā€¦

  • Our popular Success Principles SocietyĀ course including a monthly coworking call and the 6 core principles of owning your life:
    • Your Vision
    • Your Goal
    • Your Mind
    • Your Winning Self-Image
    • Your High-Performance Habits
    • Your Holistic Health and Wellness
  • Our VIP Facebook Community including our pre-recorded Book Club and a vault filled with useful guides and resources
  • Downloadable audio lessons and workbooks


For Todayā€™s Price of $1,487 CAN (taxes included)


Choose to:


Pay $1,487 in FullĀ 




Pay in 3 Monthly Instalments of $497Ā 


I'm Ready!


Thomas Trafford, CEO of The Cedarwood Sanctuary, BC

ā€œBefore my Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough session, impostor syndrome was big for me. Iā€™d undergone a paradigm shift and didnā€™t realise how much tension and tightness was trapped in my body, until after it was gone. I guess it was rooted in a kind of fear and lack of self-esteem.ā€


ā€œI couldnā€™t believe how rapid the transformation was or the calm that came after. It took away that physical ripple effect. You know when you get a text or a call, and then about 10 or 15 seconds later, Iā€™d be like, ā€˜Why donā€™t I have that feeling in my stomach?ā€™ And then Iā€™d realise my muscles were relaxed, I wasnā€™t tense. It feels like such a gift. I feel clearer, more powerful and confident to tackle the world, and I felt that right away.ā€


ā€œI would absolutely recommend the session. Itā€™s a very fun and wild experience. Youā€™ll learn some things about yourself and your journey that maybe youā€™re not conscious of. And youā€™ll be very surprised where you end up and how youā€™re healed. Itā€™s a rollercoaster and itā€™s a weird ride. But do yourself a favor and take that ride!ā€



Ren T, Yoga teacher and music lover.Ā 

"I recently experienced the Rapid Breakthrough Time Line Therapy service with Heather Lee Chapman, and it was one of the most unique therapies I have ever engaged in. It allowed me to let go of old stories and feelings, some of which I had not thought about in a long time or had never even identified with.


Prior to my appointment, I did as much research as I could to prepare, but it was not necessary at all. Heather supported me from the start, addressing all my curiosities and questions until I was ready to begin.


At first, it seemed too simple. Are we really getting rid of a lifetime's worth of anger, fear, sadness, guilt, and shame in such a short time? I doubted it. But my willingness to try was stronger than my doubt, and I consented to the journey.


To me, Time Line Therapy is a very unique way of learning about your relationship with time and your subconscious mind. Guided through it, you learn a distinctive method to identify and release negative emotions.


My results were remarkable: I gained clarity, a sense of lightness, and a spacious feeling within myself, both physically and mentally. Though it left me surprised, tender, and contemplative, I felt completely supported throughout. I was amazed to experience this new depth within myself in such a short amount of time.


With the lightness and spaciousness I was experiencing, I noticed an overall decrease in and easier detachment from my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. My sense of worth and well-being has bloomed gently and surely. I am currently integrating the knowledge received by practicing deep rest, positive affirmations and intuition.Ā Ā 


If you're seeking a profound change and a way to truly connect with your subconscious and grow your whole self, I highly recommend the Rapid Breakthrough Time Line Therapy service especially with Heather Lee Chapman. It's an experience that can support the journey of real, lasting connection and transformation."Ā 

Still with me? Great! Letā€™s take a moment to check youā€™re the perfect candidate for theĀ Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthroughā€¦

Embarking on a high-speed journey of personal discovery and development is not for everyone. Tick off the prompts that apply below to see if youā€™re ready:


    • Youā€™re tired of getting the same old results
  • You donā€™t want to spend hours talking about whatā€™s wrong ā€“ you just want to put it right
  • You know that change starts from within
  • Youā€™re ready to try something new and youā€™re eager to move forward
  • You want a life where you get to choose your goals and get to achieve them
  • Youā€™re keen to put yourself first and bet on you

Hi, Iā€™m Heather,Ā 


Holistic Transformation Coach for Conscious High-Performers based in Alcona Beach, Ontario. Itā€™s my mission to help my clients increase their impact and their income through improving their holistic wellness, skills and mindset.


Iā€™m aĀ trained inĀ Time Line Therapyā„¢ and Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) Coaching and Hypnotherapy with over 18 years of studying human potential and performance under my belt.


When I first discovered Time Line Therapyā„¢ it blew my mind!


It was the catalyst that got me to where I am today.Ā 


Time Line Therapyā„¢ helped me get super clear on what was important to me. It changed how I measured success and how I thought about myself.Ā 


After my first session, I was inspired to move house, to completely revamp my business model and ready to build healthy, happy relationships. Communicating my needs and wants became so easy as I set boundaries and began to put myself first. Time Line Therapyā„¢ helped me gain a deeper awareness of myself and show compassion and understanding for others.


When I think of the impact Time Line Therapyā„¢ has had on my clients and their families, it gives me goosebumps.Ā 


Take Barb, for example. When we met she was worried that her family wasnā€™t going to stay together. She didnā€™t know how to communicate what she needed from them and had no boundaries in place. Now that Time Line Therapyā„¢ Ā has helped Barb clear her negative emotions she can communicate her needs and desires much more effectively. Itā€™s been wonderful watching her grow. Her whole family is happier and healthier ā€” and theyā€™re about to head off on a family vacation!


Iā€™ve seen it happen so many times for my clients, and thatā€™s what I want for you too. Clarity,Ā  confidence, self-esteem and the ability to drive forward without your unconscious mind holding you back.Ā 


Thatā€™s why Iā€™d love you to join me on this rapid transformation journey!


Lots of love,


Heather LeeĀ 

Rapid Breakthrough


Pay in full

  • One 60-minute onboarding and vision casting call
  • One 2-hour Rapid Breakthrough Time Line Therapy sessionĀ 
  • One 45-minute support and next steps callĀ 


  • Plus 6 Months of access toā€¦

    • Our popular Success Principles SocietyĀ course including a monthly coworking call and the 6 core principles of owning your life:
      • Your Vision
      • Your Goal
      • Your Mind
      • Your Winning Self-Image
      • Your High-Performance Habits
      • Your Holistic Health and Wellness
    • Our VIP Facebook Community including our Book Club and a vault filled with useful guides and resources
    • Downloadable audio lessons and workbooks
    • Monthly Live coworking & masterminding callĀ 
    • (value of over $337)Ā 

Ā Ā 


Rapid Breakthrough


3 month payment plan

  • One 60-minute onboarding and vision casting call
  • One 2-hour Rapid Breakthrough Time Line Therapy sessionĀ 
  • One 45-minute support and next steps callĀ 


  • PlusĀ 6 months of access toā€¦

    • Our popularĀ Success Principles SocietyĀ course including a monthly coworking call andĀ the 6 core principles of owning your life:
      • Your Vision
      • Your Goal
      • Your Mind
      • Your Winning Self-Image
      • Your High-Performance Habits
      • Your Holistic Health and Wellness
    • Our VIP Facebook Community including our Book Club and a vault filled with useful guides and resources
    • Downloadable audio lessons and workbooks
    • Monthly Live coworking & masterminding callĀ 
    • (value of over $337)



Wendy Ann Jones, Wendy Ann Jones Copywriting, Derbyshire, UK

ā€œWhen I booked the Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough with Heather, I really had no idea what to expect. I didnā€™t know much about NLP or Time Line Therapy. I felt a bit awkward at first, but Heather soon put me at ease. I remember the whole process, although it felt a little surreal. Itā€™s like your body knows what needs to be fixed and kind of takes over. After my session, I felt super light. As if before, I was carrying a weight on my chest and it had been lifted off. Memories, big ones, that would normally upset me when I thought of them didnā€™t have the same effect anymore.Ā I feel much more in control of my emotions, rather than them controlling me. Itā€™s helped me to move forward with my life and my business with more confidence.ā€



All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

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Call To Action

Questions, questions...

Okay, right now your unconscious mind may be bombarding you with reasons ā€˜why notā€™. If so, your head is surely filled with questions.

No worries. Thatā€™s all totally normal. Let's see if we canā€™t answer them right hereā€¦

Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough

Your special event package includes:


  • One 60-minute onboarding and vision casting call
  • One 2-hour Rapid Breakthrough Time Line Therapy sessionĀ 
  • One 45-minute support and next steps call


PlusĀ 6 months of access toā€¦

  • Our popular Success Principles Self-Study course including the 6 core principles of owning your life:
    • Your Vision
    • Your Goal
    • Your Mind
    • Your Winning Self-Image
    • Your High-Performance Habits
    • Your Holistic Health and Wellness
  • Our VIP Facebook Community including our Book Club and a vault loaded with useful guides and resources
  • Downloadable audio lessons and workbooks
  • Monthly Live coworking & masterminding call


For Todayā€™s Price of $1,487 CAN (taxes included)


Choose to:


Pay $1,487 in Full



Pay in 3 Monthly Instalments of $497Ā 

I'm Ready!
Sign up with eyes wide openĀ 

Before you book, I want you to feel confident in your decision. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m addressing the elephant in the room up front.


Consider this example:


You have sore shoulders and decide to go for a massage. Although your therapist is confident they can relieve the soreness, they canā€™t promise results.


And thatā€™s the same with the Rapid Time Line Therapy Breakthrough. If youā€™re reading this page and nodding sagely to everything Iā€™ve said so far, then the odds are stacked in your favor to make that breakthrough. After the session youā€™ll feel lighter, freer, more confident, positive and relaxedā€¦ all the things.


However, like your massage therapist, I canā€™t offer you a guarantee.


And, once you book, there are no refunds. Thatā€™s my way of helping you to keep your promise to yourself ā€” no matter what excuses your unconscious mind throws at you to keep you small, we are doing this thing!


My promise to you is that I will guide you through your session with empathy, compassion and professionalism to help you getĀ the best possible results.

I'm Ready!

Time to get real. Letā€™s chat about you for a hot secā€¦


Letā€™s be honest. How long have you been trying to get results and hitting that same glass ceiling?


Weeks? Months? Years?Ā 


Not important!


The real question isā€¦ how much longer are you willing to wait?


Being ruled by your negative emotions is no fun.


No fun for you, and no fun for the people who love and care about you.


And itā€™s sure as heck not getting you any closer to achieving your hopes and dreams.


Give yourself a couple of minutes, close your eyes and imagine feelingā€¦


  • Calmer, more serene, more present
  • In control of your mind and your emotions
  • Free of the emotional toxins of your past
  • Ready to face the future with a clear, positive and confident outlook


Feels good doesnā€™t it? So what are you waiting for? Letā€™s do this! šŸ™‚


Iā€™m always here for you, but the sooner you act, the sooner youā€™ll get to feel those feelings ā€” for real!


I'm Ready!

Jon Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jane Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jim Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.


The Last Wordā€¦

Thanks for sticking with me. I know thereā€™s a ton of information here for you to take in. Most likely your unconscious mind is running around trying to shut all the doors and close the blinds. So bravo for making it to the end šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


As youā€™ve gotten this far, Iā€™m pretty certain you have what it takes to make a rapid breakthrough {even if youā€™ve not yet convinced yourself}. And thatā€™s ok. Iā€™ll finish by saying that if you want this, Iā€™m here by your side, ready to guide you through the transformation tornado so that you get to give life everything youā€™ve got ā€” 100%.


No regrets, nothing left on the table.

Always in your corner.

Lot's of love,

Heather Lee Chapman

Book Your Rapid Breakthrough Now!