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Your Road Map to OWNING IT

For the aspiring high achievers who are *so* ready to step into their power and make a difference

“I know I was born for more than this… 

I’m tired of playing small, and bouncing off that same glass ceiling, over and over!”

Join a Collective Playing to Win!



Finally, a no-nonsense formula for how to craft a life by design from the ground up!
If you’re serious about creating version 2.0 (or 3.0) of you — AND making your true impact on the world — then read on…

Are you tired of that emotional tug-of-war leaving you feeling powerless and stuck?

You’re craving MORE… impact, more money, more time.

And you deserve BETTER… results, better clients, better relationships, better health and wellbeing…

But the more hours you put in at work, the less time you have for your relationships. And when you take a couple of hours for yourself, you spend the whole time feeling super guilty that you’re not working!


In your heart of hearts, you know your destiny is bigger than this — and it’s so close you can almost taste it! 


No matter how much midnight oil you burn, 

or how many times you wake up before the dawn chorus starts singing, 

that needle still isn’t moving forward the way you want it to. 


It’s hard not to wonder how those high achievers crowding out your social media manage to have it all

My friend, I sympathize, I have *so* been there…

doing all the things, trying to navigate the way to a better life.


  • spending hours watching reels and videos on social media {it’s so easy to get sucked in and left feeling low}
  • signing up for all the courses {and sometimes even finishing them — but still no further forward}
  • trying to read all the books {for at least 5 minutes before passing out with exhaustion}

But here’s the thing…


There’s only one sure way to get what you want {and arrive where you want to be} with your health and energy still intact 

— and that’s to look at the WHOLE picture!


It’s critical that you:


  1. Look after yourself first 
  2. Understand your deepest desires
  3. Work out and plan the steps that’ll make them happen
  4. Empower your mind to keep you on track and away from distractions
  5. Embrace your power to be ready for success
  6. Move the needle forward, every single day


Without letting overwhelm or burnout take center stage!

You’ll learn all these skills {and more} inside the OWN IT Collective — I’ll tell you more about that in a moment.

It is so important to invest in real skills that will stay with you for the rest of your life so you can  pivot at any time and succeed. Gain multipurpose skills and more to be successful regardless if we are in a recession or a boom!

This is about putting yourself a level above the rest because you are investing in putting yourself in a program, community & environment that has people winning,

That will give you the skillset, mindset, high performance habits & strength to build the foundation for success that lasts and grows with you!


I would like to invite you to join us, you deserve to live out your life purpose, and by design …. That's actually what you came here to do…. 


“{The OWN IT Collective} really helped me own my mind. I don’t have impostor syndrome any more…”


 Steph Hopkins is a holistic nutrition coach based in Newmarket, Ontario. A former music teacher, Steph went back to school when she became fascinated by nutrition after the birth of her daughter. With a qualification from the Institute of Transformational Nutrition under her belt,  it was time for Steph to launch her business. That’s when she met Heather…


She tells us: 


“At the time, I was trying to figure out how to offer programmes and was searching for clients. I met Heather on Instagram and went to her masterclass. Everything she had to say about mindset aligned with what I’d been told in nutrition school and I wanted to know more.”


Steph joined Heather’s Success Principles self-study course and soon after joined the OWN IT Collective.


She says:


“I was facing a lot of challenges, one of which was picking the wrong client avatar. I’d chosen to go with weight loss nutrition, but I wasn’t getting anywhere. Working with Heather helped me realise those weren’t the people I should be working with. My impostor syndrome was bad when I started. I’d told myself a story that I wasn’t good enough, or sporty or athletic enough to work with the clients I really wanted.”


Attending the weekly OWN IT Collective calls and working through the course, Steph began to define what she wanted to offer. Putting solid strategies in place helped her to reach her ideal clients, conquer her fears and master her mind.


Today Steph works one-on-one with high-performance clients such as athletes and specialises in corporate wellness. Her unique approach focuses on not just the physical aspects of nutrition but the mental and spiritual too. Steph’s holistic model helps her clients look and feel great from the inside out.


So how did the OWN IT Collective help Steph get to where she is now?


“Learning to track my habits has been so helpful for me. I use the same strategy with my own clients now. Focusing on what you’re doing each day instead of only on the end goal was a big a-ha moment for me. Before taking the program I was the person who was always late. Now I’m going to be running a time management course!” 


“Heather has a way of delivering the lessons so they always pop into my head exactly when I need them. It’s really helped me own my mind, and I don’t have impostor syndrome any more…”


And Steph’s advice for anyone considering joining the OWN IT Collective?


“If you’re struggling with getting out of your own way, or hitting your glass ceiling, this is the program for you. I’d say go for it. Being part of a community of like-minded people is so valuable.”


2 new Self and Business Mastery lessons taught live per month to help your own life by designed, they are  added in the membership portal and app. for easy access! Plus book club studies & our VIP Facebook group with a vault of resources and education. Also guest experts teaching on their zones of genius so you can get into action today!


Join a community of people playing to win! Access to our VIP & Alumni special events with expert guest speakers and more! Plus VIP clients have access to our VIP Facebook group that has a vault of resources and allows you to stay connected to community!! 



Monthly MASTERMIND session and monthly Live coworking call for hot seat coaching and support on all your personal and professional needs! OIC (Own It Collective) Whats App accountability group chat, where we hold our promises to ourselves on a weekly basis and resources are shared! 

Hey! I’m Heather – family gal, hot yoga lover, and passionate holistic transformation coach.


After getting stuck working all hours in my own business, in 2017 I discovered the power of holistic transformation. My whole life changed for the better in a few short months. I began working less, prioritizing what was important, and hitting my goals. I became healthier, happier and wealthier. 


The fact that you’re even here tells me you’re considering a pretty serious transformation of your own.


With a burning desire to guide folks through those transformations, I’ve helped hundreds of conscious, ambitious individuals from all backgrounds and sectors to create new and improved versions of themselves. 


They’ve defined, planned and achieved goals they’d only dreamed of before.


And I know that — equipped with the right tools and skills — you’ll be doing the same in no time!


Allow me to tell you more.














It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the…


OWN IT Collective


The 6-month coaching program for conscious high-performers looking to take their business and their life to new heights 

After claiming your spot in the OWN IT Collective, you’ll discover how to:

  • Dream bigger than you thought you ever could {so that you can play bigger and WIN bigger}


  • Unearth the secrets to living life by design {and learn how to implement them into your perfect schedule}


  • Build the mindset and habits of a high performer {so that not even the sky is the limit}


  • Define and move toward your higher purpose {whilst nurturing your relationships}


  • Create a joyful ripple effect through every area of your life {so that you’re excited to embrace every new day}


Let's hear from one of Own It Collective Clients: 

Hi, I’m Ren, a yoga teacher and music lover. I love creating events that incorporate meditation, movement and music for a healthy social wellness experience. It is a joy for me to create spaces that help you feel safe, healthy, connected, playful and inspired.


Where were you before you joined the program? 

Before I met Heather I was doing everything I love but on a very small scale. I was very close to giving up on building a life around my passions as I felt very discouraged and disenchanted. 


What is different and has improved since you joined the own it collective? 

  • Improved confidence and health

  • Upgraded knowledge and implementation of principles for life and business 

  • Increased connection to my imagination and intuition

  • Decreased negativity and apathy 

What is your biggest win so far? 

Wins so far

  • Importance of language and self-speak

  • Neutralize negativity 

  • Reestablish connection to imagination 

  • Embodiment of positive self image 

  • Learning how-to and the importance of why to boundary set in all aspects of life 

  • Gain accountability through base building steps of your foundation

  • Inspiration to engage, dream, build and grow!

  • Support through the perceived obstacles, nagging doubts, imposter syndrome attacks, fatigue lows and progress celebrations.


What have you learned/ implemented that has made the biggest impact for you so far? 

The one thing that has made the biggest impact is learning how to positive self-speak. 


Learning how to do this one thing well has got me connecting with my intuition, engaging my imagination, embodying positivity and making progress. It may seem minor but I realized it was my greatest obstacle to date. 

What is your advice to our listeners wondering if the own it collective is for them?

  • Do the free masterclass and really get into the workbook, the free offerings are high value and a great gauge for you to see if you resonate with Heather as your guide.

  • Take time to listen to yourself and evaluate your current state and obstacles

  • Reach out and communicate your desires and obstacles

  • Be ready to receive solutions

Create your life by design {and live it} with our six core modules:



And keeping you supported and accountable are our top priorities. That’s why we include:


Your Weekly OWN IT Collective Group Coaching Sessions 


Designed with accountability in mind 


Theme-specific sessions designed to meet you where you are right now and get you where you need to be. Combining lessons, co-working sessions, masterminds, and VIP events, our weekly meet-ups keep you inspired, motivated and moving forward.  


The Beautiful OWN IT Collective VIP Community


Surround yourself with shining stars


If you want to succeed, surround yourself with successful people! The OWN IT Collective private Facebook Group offers support and access to a huge base of motivational content. And the opportunity to network with wonderful OWN IT Collective students. 


And A Ton of Other Amazing Stuff


A world of personal and professional development at your fingertips


  • OWN IT Book Club Study recordings — Absorb the teachings of the all-time greats of self-mastery and personal development with ease. Heather reads to you and adds her own insightful comments. 


  • The OWN IT Collective Book List — Not sure what to read next? Get access to more than 12 months of recommended reading that’s sure to change your life!


  • Learn at your own pace — Access a library of over 60 structured training sessions to pick and mix or work through at your leisure.


  • Plus hundreds of additional resources in your OWN IT Collective Facebook Guides including:


  • Recordings of live trainings. From meditation to mindset shift and business tips to breathwork, heaps of ideas to help you and your business grow
  • All previous book club episodes
  • Guest speaker recordings
  • Suggested resources 


PLUS! To get your head in the game from day 1…

Sign up by Oct. 31st, 2024, and pay in full to receive these bonuses:

  • 6 months access to SUCCESS PRINCIPLES SOCIETY - VALUE OF $337
  • 2, 90-minute Private 1-1 coaching calls with Heather - VALUE OF $1,200



Sign up by Oct. 31st, 2024 via the Payment Plan to receive:

  •  6 months access to SUCCESS PRINCIPLES SOCIETY - VALUE OF $337
  •  2, 45-min Private 1-1 coaching calls with Heather - VALUE OF $600


The Own It Collective


Pay in full

  • Access to our VIP EVENTS and more


  • Plus access to …

    • Our popular Success Principles Society course including a Monthly group coworking call and the 6 core principles of owning your life:
      • Your Vision
      • Your Goal
      • Your Mind
      • Your Winning Self-Image
      • Your High-Performance Habits
      • Your Holistic Health and Wellness
    • Our VIP Facebook Community including our regular Book Club and a vault crammed with useful guides and resources
    • Downloadable audio lessons and workbooks
    • Value of $337 


    *Plus grab the Pay in full bonuses when you sign up by Oct. 31st, 2024:

  •  2, 90-minute Private 1-1 coaching calls with Heather (value of $1,200)


The Own It Collective



  • Access to our VIP EVENTS and more 


  • Plus access to…
    • Our popular Success Principles Self-Society course including a Monthly group coworking call and the 6 core principles of owning your life:
      • Your Vision
      • Your Goal
      • Your Mind
      • Your Winning Self-Image
      • Your High-Performance Habits
      • Your Holistic Health and Wellness
    • Our VIP Facebook Community including our regular Book Club and a vault crammed with useful guides and resources
    • Downloadable audio lessons and workbooks
    • Value of $337

*PLUS grab the Payment plan bonuses when you sign up by by Oct.  31st, 2024:

  •  2, 45-min Private 1-1 coaching calls with Heather (value of $600)


Mastery Mentorship + The Own It Collective 

  • SAVE 15% for bundling (1-1 & group coaching bundle) & Earn:  
  • A Foundation Human Design Reading with Anna Wrona
  • A 45 minute 1-1 Kick off call with Heather

     ** VALUED AT OVER $500



     Join with the PAYMENT PLAN and Earn: 
  • SAVE 15% for bundling (1-1 & group coaching bundle)
  • A 45- minute Kick off call with Heather 




The Own It Collective

  • PAY In Full & Earn:
    • VALUED AT OVER $997


Join with the PAYMENT PLAN & Earn: 

  •  2, 45-RAPID COACHING sessions with Heather
    • VALUED AT OVER $500 




The truth is… you know you're ready to join the OWN IT Collective when:

You’re certain you were born for more than you have right now. Sure you’re doing great,  although it feels like there’s always something stopping you from reaching your full potential

You feel called to a higher purpose. You want to give back to the world and leave a legacy of greatness. No matter how much you try to ignore it, that niggling feeling that your destiny is calling you won’t go away

You’ve had enough of feeling stuck and overwhelmed. Your gut tells you that your dreams aren’t unreasonable. All you need is a little help to work out how to negotiate the hurdles

You’re craving new and better results — you know there’s no time like the present to step up and be recognized as a leader

You’re prepared to put in the work, to do what it takes — so that you can step into your power and grab those dreams with both hands

If a lot of this sounds so familiar it’s a bit weird… then come cosy up in the OWN IT Collective with us!


Meet your guide…

Hey, I’m Heather, and it’s so great to meet you!

My passion for holistic transformation comes from my own transformation and my love of helping people get where they want to be in life. 

As a teenager, I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, so when I left university, that’s exactly what I did. Roll forward a few years and, working as a registered kinesiologist, personal trainer and nutritionist, I was running out of ideas. I found myself working 18-hour days, almost every day. I was doing all the things, running multiple businesses and contracts. I felt like I lived in my car! I literally had no more time to trade for money. 

I knew I was meant for more.

Yet, no matter what I did, whenever I started to make progress, something would happen and I’d end up right back where I was — bouncing off my own glass ceiling.

I’ve been studying human potential and performance for over 18 years, but it wasn’t until 2017 that something finally clicked. I discovered holistic transformation, learned how to be the master of my own mind, and everything changed!

Want to know what the catalyst was for that change? That’s simple.

It’s said that only 1 person in 20 people will embrace their true potential in their lives. Often, that means our friends and family don’t think or feel the same way that we do. 

That was the case for me. 

When I finally discovered a community of conscious people who allowed themselves to dream big, things began to shift. The folks I met were working on their own development, putting plans into place and making things happen. It was more than inspiring. I finally gave myself permission to put the wheels of change in motion and keep them turning.

I began to hit and surpass each income goal I set for myself. I had more free time than ever and felt much healthier and happier. 

And that is what I’m here to help you achieve, my friend. 

It was a huge game changer for me, and it will be for you too.

Right now your unconscious mind may be doing everything it can to ‘keep you safe’ — but remember the person who wills the mind wins.

I’d love for you to join me on this journey and I am so excited to see you THRIVE!

Much love,

Heather 💗





“Heather’s guidance and expertise have been instrumental in my professional growth and the success of my business.”

Before I joined the OWN IT Community, I was experiencing profound isolation. I was uncertain where to seek support or solutions, trapped within my own thoughts. Heather's guidance has enabled me to establish a solid foundation. Her principles are practical for daily application, particularly in cultivating habits such as reviewing the business quarterly and setting effective goals.

I've cultivated a habit of goal-setting. This involves generating ideas, concentrating on actionable steps, and working towards their realization, one container at a time. Heather’s ability to break down complex challenges into manageable steps is remarkable. 

Heather's dedication to her clients and her commitment to their success is evident in every interaction. She is a true source of inspiration.

Liliane Regnier - Women's health and wellness transitions coach

After attending one of Heather’s Business Bliss workshops I knew I wanted the opportunity to work with her one on one. I loved her enthusiasm! She is a fantastic listener and we had wonderful brainstorming sessions. I will be continuing to implement her advice as I move forward with my business.  I also recommend her NLP sessions.  It was such a wonderful way to start releasing limiting beliefs!


The results speak for themselves. Are you ready to become the next success story?


It’s time to turn your hard work into smart work: with the SIMPLEST FRAMEWORK for success.


So you may be wondering…


Q: I’m already so busy, how much time will this take?


A: Yep, I hear you. And I get what you’re saying.


You’re in that place where you’re doing all the things and you’ve maxed out your time x10. Think of it this way — 


something has to change, or everything will stay the same.


The time you spend in the program will be time well spent. You’ll learn to move the needle forward in your life and your business with the least amount of effort {and time} possible.


OWN IT Collective members are getting more achieved in 90 days than most folks do in a whole year!


That said, I recommend you carve out the time to attend the live call each week. That’s around 1½–2 hours. You can listen to the book club anytime you like. For example, when you’re doing chores, out walking or taking a short break from your day. An hour or two each week to complete your studies is more than enough to set the wheels in motion.


Q: I can’t pay for this in full, do you offer a payment plan?


A: Of course! Not everyone is in the position to pay in full upfront, and that’s why we offer a monthly payment plan over the duration of the program. Click the payment plan button at the checkout for more details. 


Q: How can I be sure this program will help me?


A: Right now, your subconscious mind will be jumping around trying to get your attention and keep you in a safe place. That’s normal. It’s trying to keep you exactly where you are right now.


That’s one of many topics we’ll tackle in the program. It’s normal to feel doubt. As part of the OWN IT Collective, you’ll learn how to be the master of your mind — so that you can get what you want out of life. 


If you’re craving more than you have right now, then this program will equip you with the tools you need to move forward. As long as you’re willing to put in the work, joining the OWN IT Collective is the simplest, most supported way to move towards your goals.


Bet on yourself! You can do this!


Q: I’ve dropped the ball in the past, I’m not good at sticking with things, is this right for me?


A: Eugh, I know that feeling too. But here’s the thing:


Learning to ‘stick at it’ and keep going until you reach your goal is what separates conscious high performers from everyone else. 


Not only will you want to stick with the OWN IT Collective for all the great content and the people you’ll meet inside the program, but we’ll also show you how to keep yourself accountable and guide you as you develop those skills. 


Oh, and I’m also pretty great at making sure you show up, even if I do say so myself 🙂.


Q: I don’t feel ready. I’m in another program at the moment, do you think it’s possible to do both?


A: I hear you! It’s normal to resist change and to try to protect yourself from the dreaded overwhelm. Decision paralysis can keep us blocked for days, months or even years.


It’s clear that you want to make positive changes in your life, so you’d better get used to not feeling ready. 


No one ever does! 


If you’re serious about wanting more, and I’m pretty certain you are, {you got this far didn’t you?} then you are *so* ready for this. And we’re here to help and support you on that journey.


This will add to anything else you are studying, and in fact we encourage you to be always studying and advancing in your zone of genius and studying with us! The more you study, the more you can become a category of one! Learn the foundations for success that can last you a life time! 


Wendy Jones — Wendy Ann Jones Copywriting

“I love the accountability in this program, and there’s always something new to learn!”

I joined the community after attending one of Heather's free workshops. I've only been here a little over 4 months and already I've published a book I'd been talking about for ages. The mindset work can be challenging, but, unlike other courses and programs I've tried, the structure is so relatable. I know what I need to do and when I need to do it.

I get so much out of the weekly calls. I always come away with heaps of great ideas of how to move my business forward in the masterminds and co-working calls. Heather is a mine of information and is always so generous in sharing her thoughts.

Working from home, this community is a real lifeline and an awesome way to stay motivated and on track.

Amanda DeSutter – Amanda Lynn Gluten Free

“I highly recommend Heather’s program to anybody who feels stuck and just needs a little push and someone to hold them accountable. It’s nice being surrounded by other people who are all bringing their vulnerability to the table. We’re like, these are our problems and these are our shortfalls. As a group we’re a pity party, and Heather’s like, nope, none of that, only positive talk.

It’s nice having that cheerleader that wants to get us out of this funk. Someone who’ll guide us to make things better and live in possibility. She has so many little nuggets of knowledge and mindset tricks, it’s just very neat.”


Okay, let’s get some perspective…


You’re here because you know, deep down in your heart and soul, that you’re meant for more. And those feelings don’t go away. They’re like an insistent itch you can’t seem to scratch.


How long have you been feeling this way? A year? Two? More than that?


Think back to 6 months ago. How much has changed for you? I know, 6 months rolls by in the blink of an eye, doesn’t it?


So imagine looking back 6 months from now, and being…


  • Full of anticipation, ready to embrace every single extraordinary day
  • Fulfilled, yet excited for what’s to come
  • Making a remarkable impact on the world
  • Living your dreams!


With the right resources and support, you might need to use a telescope to look back and see how far you’ve come!


This is your chance! Elevate your mindset, your business, your relationships, your wellness… in fact your whole life, to a much better place.


Are you ready to make those quantum leaps? It’s your call!


The cart closes on this opportunity to join with these bonuses on Oct. 31st, 2024.


And, don’t forget — when you register by OCT. 31st, 2024 you’ll receive these special one-on-one sessions to kick-start your transformation:

Pay in Full option:

  • 6 Months Access to Success Principles Society 
  • 2, 90-minute Private 1-1 coaching call with Heather 
  • a value of $1,537!


Payment Plan option:

  • 6 Months Access to Success Principles Society  
  • 2, 45-min Private 1-1 coaching calls with Heather
  • a value of $937!

Lorraine Potticary - Lorraine's Arbonne

“I’m doing something every day to move my business forward”


Before I met Heather, I didn't know where to start - how to approach people, how to keep a positive mindset, even how to track my progress. I've learned so much - how to forgive myself for past mistakes, how to go deep into my heart, and how to approach each day so that I attract the results I desire. Heather meets you where you are in your life and business and helps you figure out what steps to take to move yourself forward in your life and business from whatever stage you are at. She takes the whole of you, not just the action but also your mindset, spirit and your energy! 


One last word…


I appreciate you staying with me this far. As you’re still here, there’s every chance that this program is an excellent fit for you. 


But that choice is yours and yours alone.


By learning and practising the techniques we’ve talked about, your life could be unrecognisable in 6 short months. I want you to have more happiness, more success, and more fulfilment in your life — not to mention taking that bucket-list vacation you’ve been dreaming of for oh so long!


As Bob Proctor, one of my all-time heroes said:


“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.”


If, and only if, you’re ready to find out where you can go, then join me today, inside the OWN IT Collective!


Remember… expect magic and miracles and ask yourself, “What is the best that can happen?” 


Much love,

 Heather Lee Chapman