Work with Heather Lee Chapman, Holistic Transformation Coach and step into your greatness!
Book a FREE Consult Call Now!Hi, I’m Heather, personal and business development junkie and Audible addict. I love hot yoga and cold plunges, and I buy supplements for fun! {I know, right! I’m working on it 😅}
I don’t want to brag here, but in terms of personal and professional development, I’ve read pretty much all the books and tried all the things. My story is one of discovery. There’s been a lot of learning and heaps of trial and error along the way. I find things. I try them out. When I come across something that works, that helps you get what you want, I hang on to it, I master it and then offer it to you…
So that you can improve your life and your business in quantum leaps!
Take, for example, Time Line Therapy™. I felt its power from my very first session — in fact, the transformation was astounding {more about that later}. And, in my role as a trained Time Line Therapy™ practitioner, the results I help my clients achieve prove that concept time after time.

All The Tools You Need To Build A Happy and Fulfilling Life
When you learn the life skills and business skills that will help you regardless of life's circumstances you can achieve your goals more easily! Let's build a life and business on purpose with passion and OWN IT!
The one-to-one intensive for the conscious high-performers ready to shed the weight of what’s no longer serving them — and fly!
Mastery Mentorship is designed to help you stop negative feelings and emotions dead in their tracks so that you can:
- Improve your self-worth and your confidence
- Enjoy a calmer, more focused mind
- Set clear boundaries and prioritise what’s important
- Build healthier relationships
- Chase your dreams and make them happen!
Did you know that an amazing 98% of all our thoughts, feelings and actions are governed by our unconscious mind?
And that’s not all…
Your unconscious mind also controls your habits and your beliefs!
By the way… a belief is just a thought that your unconscious mind has kept around for a long time.
If you never challenge it, then that belief will stay right where it is - forever!
When you’re not actively deciding what you want, your unconscious mind is happy to run your life {and your mind} on autopilot.
The primary job of your unconscious mind is to keep you safe…
and the reactions triggered can also keep you small!
This is what I mean…
In your life, you may have experienced feelings of fear, anger, hurt, resentment, guilt, or even shame. Some of those feelings and the reactions you had, were unwarranted. Your unconscious mind didn’t know that, and it stored those reactions as default.
If ‘x’ happens, then I react with ‘y’
Now don’t get me wrong, not all of these feelings are unwarranted. I mean, if you see a bear running towards you, your unconscious mind telling you to get out of there is the ideal response!
But say, you’ve been thinking about taking the next big leap in your business or going for that promotion you’ve been hoping for…
then your unconscious mind, triggering the fear you felt the day you walked into kindergarten for the first time, is less than helpful!
Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) & Time Line Therapy (TLT) are neuro techniques used by the elites to OWN their lives & business!
Now you have the opportunity to truly re-write your results!
We will identify your goal plus how to access the state of it achieved!
We will identify and unblock what has you stuck, so you can live your best life happy & fulfilled!
This is scientifically proven... so much that a Master trainer can guarantee results.. Doctors can not even do that!
If you are ready to own it your time is now!
Embarking on a high-speed journey of personal discovery and development is not for everyone. Tick off the prompts that apply below to see if you’re ready:
- You’re tired of getting the same old results
- You don’t want to spend hours talking about what’s wrong – you just want to put it right
- You know that change starts from within
- You’re ready to try something new and you’re eager to move forward
- You want a life where you get to choose your goals and get to achieve them
- You’re keen to put yourself first and bet on you

Thomas Trafford, CEO of The Cedarwood Sanctuary, BC
“Before working with Heather, impostor syndrome was big for me. I’d undergone a paradigm shift and didn’t realise how much tension and tightness was trapped in my body, until after it was gone. I guess it was rooted in a kind of fear and lack of self-esteem.”
“I couldn’t believe how rapid the transformation was or the calm that came after. It took away that physical ripple effect. You know when you get a text or a call, and then about 10 or 15 seconds later, I’d be like, ‘Why don’t I have that feeling in my stomach?’ And then I’d realise my muscles were relaxed, I wasn’t tense. It feels like such a gift. I feel clearer, more powerful and confident to tackle the world, and I felt that right away.”
“I would absolutely recommend the session. It’s a very fun and wild experience. You’ll learn some things about yourself and your journey that maybe you’re not conscious of. And you’ll be very surprised where you end up and how you’re healed. It’s a rollercoaster and it’s a weird ride. But do yourself a favor and take that ride!”

It’s my mission to help my clients increase their impact and their income through improving their holistic wellness, skill set and mindset.
I’m a designated Time Line Therapy™, Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) Coach, Hypnotherapy Practitioner and Certified Nutritional practitioner with over 18 years of studying human potential and performance from a holistic perspective under my belt.
When I first discovered Time Line Therapy™ it blew my mind!
It was the catalyst that got me to where I am today.
Time Line Therapy™ helped me get super clear on what was important to me. It changed how I measured success and how I thought about myself.
After my first session, I was inspired to move house, to completely revamp my business model and ready to build healthy, happy relationships. Communicating my needs and wants became so easy as I set boundaries and began to put myself first. Time Line Therapy™ helped me gain a deeper awareness of myself and show compassion and understanding for others.
When I think of the impact Time Line Therapy™ has had on my clients and their families, it gives me goosebumps.
Take Barb, for example. When we met she was worried that her family wasn’t going to stay together. She didn’t know how to communicate what she needed from them and had no boundaries in place. Now that Time Line Therapy™ has helped Barb clear her negative emotions she can communicate her needs and desires much more effectively. It’s been wonderful watching her grow. Her whole family is happier and healthier — and they’re about to head off on a family vacation!
I’ve seen it happen so many times for my clients, and that’s what I want for you too. Clarity, confidence, self-esteem and the ability to drive forward without your unconscious mind holding you back.
That’s why I’d love you to join me on this Mastery Mentorship journey!

Who is Heather?
Creative Director and Founder
Heather Lee Chapman is a Holistic Transformation Coach for Conscious Entrepreneurs and is the Owner and Creative Director of Own It Empire. She assists people to become the best versions of themselves and live life by design through Self & Business mastery coaching with her Online programs and 1 on 1 breakthrough mentorship.
Heather has always been an entrepreneur and has over 18 years experience studying human potential and performance and over 13 years of coaching individuals and assisting them to get clear on their goals and make them a reality.
She is Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy trained. Heather is also a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, neuro-centric movement certified and studies advanced spiritual training! She is also a Podcast Host, Retreat Coach and a co-author in two Amazon #1 best sellers!
If you are ready to take your performance to the next level, increase your impact and profits then you are in the right place!

Your Time Is Now
Let's work together to help you create a life you love as your best self! You are your glass ceiling, your life will expand as big as your awareness and your business will grow as big as you do. Step into your greatness and OWN IT with us today!
Book Your FREE Consultation now