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Top 11 Tips for Staying In Control Of You!

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2020


Times are changing and it's time to grow! 

Apart from any other day, the only thing that we have control over are our thoughts and our mind! With a little bit of effort and some self-control, we can make a huge impact on our well-being by controlling what we allow our minds to consume!

To help you stay in control of your thoughts to continue to play to win and to learn to pivot your businesses or services to profit online I will be live in our OWN IT MASTERMIND facebook community THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT 12PM EST. Join us live so you can ask questions and win prizes!


“It takes no more effort to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity than it does to accept misery and poverty.” Wallace D. Wattles

Also I wanted to offer you a few tips that you can do to feel more in control of you!

They are simple steps that don’t take much time and can all be done in a day or you can pick and choose which ones speak to you.

Below I have compiled a list of my top 11 tips that help me not only stay informed but keep me feeling calm and at-ease at all times! 

So how can we stay informed without letting the fear take us out?


    1. Meditate or sit in silence for at least 20 minutes every morning. Allow yourself to be in the present moment focused on only your breathing. Each time you find your mind wandering, bring it back to your breath.
    2. Write 10 things you are grateful for and why. Think of things you are grateful for in the present and also what you want for the future! Always speak in the present tense as if it’s already yours. Allow yourself to really feel the gratitude!
    3. Move Your Body! Allow any stagnant energy from the night before or the day to move to and through your body. Feel it and let it go! Maybe it’s a long yoga session or some light cardio or an all-out total body sweat sesh, whatever it is, get physical in your body! 
    4. Limit Social Media/News. Set boundaries for when you’re going to inform yourself of what’s happening. Choose your trustworthy sources and I suggest 10 to 15 minutes of research mid-morning and/or 10-15 minutes in the evening for daily events. Set a timer and don’t let yourself get caught up! Listen to what you need to and log off! Trust me, this is effective!


  • Follow Positive and Uplifting People and Pages on Social Media. We all follow a few people who tend to look at the glass as half empty. For a period of time, at least, I would consider unfollowing anyone that doesn’t serve you! I know it doesn’t feel that great, especially if they are a family member or friend, but we need to put our oxygen masks on first and take care of our own mental health.
  • SERVE! Who can you help? What message can you send to someone to lift them up? Who can you connect with? What sources do you have that you can make available to anyone that would help them through a tough time? Are you able to donate to a local food bank or support a small-business owner through this time? 
  • Get Creative! What hobby have you always wanted to try? Or a project you’ve been putting off around the house? Have you done a puzzle or played a board game lately? Focus your attention on creation!
  • Try/Learn Something New! Have you ever wanted to learn how to bake, or to sew? Why not try a new exercise routine or read that book you’ve been meaning to! New perspectives are so exciting! If you’re looking for something to stimulate your mind, The Proctor Gallagher Institute has put up a free replay of the PARADIGM SHIFT!
  • Clean! I know, this may not be the most exciting one on the list but freeing up that otherwise, stagnant space can bring clean, fresh energy into your home!  You know that closet whose corners haven’t seen the light of day since the beginning of time! Or that infamous junk drawer that holds only the purpose of collecting junk? Clean them out! When you’re all finished, light a few candles or burn some sage and welcome in the new energy!


  1. Journal! Captures your intentions. Write about who and how you want to show up each day. What you want your life to be like and what you’re grateful for, all in the present tense. Find the good in all the nooks and crannies of your day and marinate in the awesome of the world. Write about anything that makes you feel good! Don’t use your journal to write about what’s bothering you, or your fears, this only perpetuates the negative feelings. Use your journal as a space for creation, love and light!
  2. Visualize- your body, your family and friends, and our planet living healthy, happy,  connected and abundant. See us all with new ways of being and our planet healing, providing enough food for all with endless opportunities! And, or whatever else you fancy! Take 10 minutes and see with your mind’s eye all the good you desire! My favourite time to visualize is as soon as I wake up in the morning or as I lay down to fall asleep at night!

I hope you found this list to be helpful! There are many more ideas that can be added here and these are some of my favs! If you have something you feel belongs on this list, I’d love to hear about it! Connect with me in the Own It Mastermind group and let me know!

I encourage you to share this list with someone who could use a little extra support around this time! 

And if you haven’t heard yet, The Own It Mastermind Coaching Program Doors are open!

The Own It Mastermind program is intentionally designed to help you own your life through owning your MIND, BODY, SOUL & ONLINE BUSINESS! 

We are here to help you pivot to profit online and ensure you have the mindset and mentality of a winner. 

IT is time to PLAY TO WIN, not play to not lose. 

You will:

  • Develop a way to set worthy goals and actually stick to them!

  • How to take care of yourself while developing habits that will create real progress in all areas of your life!

  • And most importantly, how to find the thing that you are called to do and finally own it by taking actionable steps!

  • How to build your self image, your brand image and market yourself or service online! 

  • To work in accordance with the universal laws to start working smarter and not harder! 

 For all the juicy details check it all out here before the cart closes at the end of the week and prices increase!



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