The more I understand the laws of the universe the easier my life gets. I’ve found that the results in my life are starting to come more with ease and grace rather than grinding it out as I used too.
I used to wake up before the crack of dawn and go to bed way past sunset. I would find myself having a nap in the afternoons sometimes lasting hours only to wake up and still feel like I had to drag my ass around to get things done. I had a to-do list a mile long and what I found myself doing was being addicted to checking things off my list rather than focusing on the goal at hand and choosing the things that we’re most valuable in my success. Thank goodness I hit reset before I hit burn out!
I had always heard the phrase work smarter, not harder but never really understood what that meant. And what I’ve come to discover is that it meant discipline! To achieve the big worthy goals you are going to need discipline! Also, know this!
So what are you doing each day that is getting you to where you want to be? %FIRSTNAME%, believe me, I’ve been there! I used to get super motivated, I’d set my calendar up for the day, the week maybe even the month. I’d follow it to the tee for the first little while and then I’d get thrown off course and it was almost like I thought “well if I can’t do this one thing, I may as well not do anything”. Can you relate? And before I knew it I was back to square one.
You are not going to be motivated all the time! That’s a fact, accept this! Move forward anyway! DISCIPLINE.
What keeps me on track every day are these four things!
When my day includes each of these 4 pillars I not only feel happy and satisfied but my business moves forward with ease! All of the above takes me roughly 3 hours, sprinkled throughout my day and this to me, my friends, is working smarter not harder!
Stay Happy & Healthy, Inside & Out!
50% Complete
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